After 11 years as an in-person, classroom-bond, hands-on, and expert-at-improvising type of teacher, I was forced to adapt online teaching because of COVID. In the beginning, I was very frustrated that I was not be able to create the same kind of learning engagement online than off-line. I soon realized that I shouldn’t compare them at all, because they are two very different learning spaces. Instead of taking it for granted, I started to look at online teaching as an pot-of-comfort-zone learning opportunity for myself.
A Digital Native’s Playset is a collection of Arduino and IoT enabled physical gadgets that enables users to enrich their virtual interactions with others. Kyle Li has been engaged with online learning as a teacher for the past three years. While it was an unexpected change in Kyle’s academic career, he was introduced to a new array of design opportunities when it comes to online and virtual communication. A Digital Native’s Playset is the result of Kyle’s attempt to push virtual interaction beyond keyboard and mouse.