I am working with Michael DeMinico, 6th grade Sports for the Mind teacher, to build 4 games for SMALLab. These games are selected from a pool of games designed by groups of students in Michael’s classes as their first attempt to educational game design. The 4 selected ideas are interestingly echoing early popular educational game genres- game show, simulation game, shooting game, and sports game. Except for the Crazy Farm (upper-right), educational contents are add-on, with or without it doesn’t really change the gameplay.
=====Originally we decided that students were responsible for producing all the assets necessary for the game development but all I ended up getting were 4 giant game idea posters. I did some Photoshop works to keep the look and feel true to the drawings.
SMALLab photos:
05/30/13 DOE proxy kept game apps from reading Google spreadsheet. Firefox proxy won’t cut it, have to do it through System Preference.
06/02/13 Test the games in SMALLab for the first time, controller caused rollover graphics to flicker. Thought it was Tracking tool, but found out later it was mouseMode = true
06/03/13 Y is reversed due to new projection orientation
06/12/13 Rehearsal/playtest with Michael and Rich. found following bugs:
=======game 2: out of bond bug
=======game 2: puck needs bigger tracking range
=======game 3: change countdown timer to 3 mins
=======game 4: spacejet wonders off the screen due to (Rotate angle = NaN)
06/13/13 Michael filled up question spreadsheet, games are ready to go.