M5 Red only comes with 1 Port B and I would to use 2 Port B units without the hub which added to the overall formfactor. The two units I need are the Limit Switch unit (U145) and the Vibrator unit (U059) and, fortunately, they are hooked up to a different GPIO pin on Port B. The Limit Switch unit is on GPIO 36 (Input, Whit) while the Vibrator unit is on GPIO 26 (In/Out, Yellow).
Theoretically speaking, if I split a grove cable into 2, I should be able to connect both units to Port B at the same time. I have done this a couple times for other projects to save space, but I do worry the vibrator might draw too much power from the same cable and eventually cause the switch to stop working properly.
It works beautifully.
Programing the vibrator is super fun. I had in my mind the “pew pew pew” sound, and this is what I ended up with. I have not played with the frequency and resolution yet.
[Note to myself] The ESP32 can generate a PWM signal with a frequency of up to 40 MHz. It is currently set to 10000. If the PWM resolution is “n” bits, the timer counts from 0 to 2n-1 before it resets. For example, if we configure the timer with a frequency of 1 Hz and a resolution of 8 bits, the timer will take 1 second to count from 0 to 255 (28-1). In the case of a frequency of 1 Hz and a resolution of 16 bits, the timer will still take 1 second, but it will count from 0 to 65,535 (216-1). The resolution is currently set to 10.
for (int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++) {
ledcWrite(ledChannel, 512 - ii*40);
delay(40 + ii*10);
ledcWrite(ledChannel, 0); // set buzz off
Bubble Up and Go, aka B.U.G., is a single-player Start-of-2025-Empowering game. It has been a rocky start this year, negativities are around us! In this simulation, players have to navigate through negativities, learn to keep a safe distance to toxic influences, and purify them with positive energy! Hope all of us have a great rest of 2025. Bubble up and let’s go already!
This year’s them is bubble.
How convenient! Before attending the global game jam today at our site, I stopped by Michael’s. I went there to see if I could find a cheap snow globe kit for a summer project that I was working on. There were a few interesting things I found there but they were either two big or too fragile for the project. I eventually decided to go with a clear plastic 3-Part Mold that was on sale. It has the right size and super cheap. The universe was aligned that afternoon because when I arrived, I found out the theme for this year’s Global Game Jam was, guess what!?, bubble!
Okay, I have to make something to answer the calling!
I also relearned math in the process (in English!), for example, in a triangle, the line that goes from one angle to the middle of the line between two other angles is called a median. The other one I relearned was the circumcenter of a triangle which is the point where the triangle’s three perpendicular bisectors meet. It’s also the center of the circle that passes through all three vertices of the triangle, called the circumcircle.
Translating them into Visual Scripting was also very fun. I had done a similar experiment with C# in 2013 when those tablet toys were popular. The relation between the 3 angles is different for different triangles and, therefore in theory, can be used as identifier. The debugging is a little tricky because the multitouch feature can’t be tested directly inside of Unity editor.
With the bubbly controller in mind, the first few things that came to me was protection, activation, attraction and repeal. This probably came from my memory of playing WoW. Bubble up = 0 harm.
Here are an initial set of rules to situate the gameplay and most of them are based on the felt.
the player (soul unit) can attract good energies and repeal negative ones
negative energies (disaster clusters) will randomly pop up in proximity to the player
bullets with positive energy will shoot out of the front of the soul unit to repeal any disaster cluster they hit.
a successful hit with a bullet will generate points and enlarge the soul unity over time
when points reach a threshold, the player can release a map attack that whips out all the disaster clusters nearby.
Over the course this weekend, 21 students, 1 faculty, and 1 alum (my one and only Bryce!) made 7 games in total, super awesome!
We played each other’s games at the end, all of my overthinking and tech-savvy game mechanics were immediately humbled by other players. For example, the bubble controller can also control the rotation of the soul unit. I wanted to use the rotation for something so I added a mechanic which shoots out a energy bullet from the front to repeal disaster clusters. It was not very intuitive, and players had a hard figure out what’s going on there including where the front is. I should of just let the soul unit do what bubble do the best which is to bounce with other disaster clusters directly. I missed frequent playtesting so much!
I am planning to add a few more things:
Soul unit can be hurt by nearby clusters – decrease points?
After many years, I am coming back to get 3 RFID readers to work together again. Completely forgot how I did it , I started with Software serial. I couldn’t get two software serial ports to work. After reading the notes I left for myself in this post (https://www.ivadream.com/kyle/red/?p=4344). I found out from myself that in order to get 3 RFID readers working on 1 Arduino, I had to use 1 hardware serial, 1 software serial, and 1 altsoftware serial. It worked like charm!
Finally made some progress in the DIY vending machine, going to reactivate the Acorn Riders project. After building the coin dispenser, I have been looking for a capsule vending machine. My ideal vending machine was Bandai’s Capsule Station Mini (カプセルステーション ミニ). It looks very different than the regular size one and goes well with my coin dispenser setup (in my imagination). However, I’ve not able to find one in any of the market places all these years.
Capsule Station Mini
Over the years, I have encountered a couple of DIY vending machines. First one was VEND on Thingiverse (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:45347). My final version is eventually based on this build, I learned so much from taking its design apart. The second one was the Recycle Capsule Machine (循環ガチャ)(https://circular.yokohama/projects/circular-capsule-macine/). I first bumped into one when I visited the Fabcafe in Shibuya. It was made with laser cut and 3D print parts, very eye-catching. It made an impression of me when I found out it takes bottle caps as coins. Last year, when I was judging the Creative Discovery Challenge 2023 (https://awrd.com/award/cdc2023/result), I saw the same vending machine again. They now have multiple versions of the machines which is very encouraging.
I started to take notice of the mechanics of simple vending machine in this issue of TV magazine (テレビマガジン) in January 2016. It is basically using the same mechanic as the VEND where the handle connects directly to a drum that vends a capsule when rotates. On the other hand, the commercial ones like Bandai’s Capsule Stations has a more complex setup with multiple drums, which increases the chance of capsules falling into place correctly so that a capsule is always ready for vending.
テレビマガジン January 2016a drum
After study VENT, I started to modify the design to suit my needs. I first modified the faceplate (VEND-CoinFace.stl) by removing the extended coin track. I tried to create a simpler look and feel so I can add my own narrative elements to the surface later on. I also modified the drum so it can handle bigger capsules while keeping the same form factor if not a little bit smaller. I then broke parts into smaller ones for easy printing and assembling. After all the specialty parts are modified, I designed a new casing for them with a detachable coin compartment. There are a few places needed to be improved, but I am pretty happy with the outcome.
For the capsule container, it has to be from the legendry pork sung jar. I redesigned the top so I can screw the jar in securely. It’s perfect in every way.
Hell sure has become the popular destination in afterlife recently. In order to improve the overcrowded working condition, the bureau of labor in the underworld has open up to the idea of remote working. This is a pilot program for monster walkers in hell which is similar to dog walkers here. If you have received one of these kits at your doorstep, congratulations, you are going to hell soon, and you better set it up and start working, those hell hounds won’t walk themselves!
This is a single player experience made possible with a custom alternative controller which allows the player to walk a hellhound on a leash. People who work remotely as a hell hound walker will receive a remote working kit. Inside the kit, there is some kind of a monitor, a specialty controller (the Leash), manual, power adaptors, and some AV cables.
The Leash controller is made of a repurposed Gametrak 2 joystick module. I have been wanted to upcycle Gametrak 2 controllers for something fun since it came out. It is essentially a physical motion tracker. It is a brilliant idea from other side of the pond. It is a wonderful controller, especially the 2nd version with modular joysticks which I incorporated in my controller. I also loaned it to my students from time to time just to see what came up. Here are two fun examples:
Echo Rift by Yi-Ning Huang, Clover Paradise, Pierce Wolcott, and Hang Ye, 2014. This experience puts players into the shoes of a bat navigating a virtual cave. By tilting and turning the oculus, users could control their trajectory as they glide past stalactites and stalagmites. Using a Gametrak controller modified to be wearable, players could also influence their altitude by flapping their arms. This resulted in surprisingly immersive experience, that was also lots of fun to watch. https://piercewolcott.com/portfolio/echo-rift/
Since this is supposed to be an tool sent from hell, I am trying to make the alternative controller looks like an ancient religious artifact from a sci-fi movie or Warhammer 40K — that dark, gothic, and futuristic look and feel. Most of parts are connected or glued together with Lego Technic friction pins (#2780). The base are hold together securely with a hair loop which is a technique I used frequently with my builds.
The enclosure for the Gametrak 2 module has gone through many iterations. The original design was meant to work with M5Stack Fire and its sensor units, so I designed thicker wall to accommodate the Lego Technic pins. I moved on to a simpler Arduino setup because the analog data are more reliable for what I am doing. I am able to reduce about 5mm (back plate) + 3mm (front plate) of the thickness which helps the controller and the leash align with the hook on top better.
For the aesthetics, I am imagining each level is a park in hell. There will be lost souls, ghosts, monsters, magma everywhere, typical hell stuff. The first park is an abundant race track that I modified from a Synty game asset that I own and remixed it with all the hell elements above.
Dan visited DT in 2018 when he was an evangelist at Unity. He did a demo for us on Unity’s latest cinematic pipeline at the time. Can’t believe it was almost 7 years ago! I reached out to Dan for some insights on how much we will be able to accomplish with Unity Visual Scripting and VisionOS.
… it’s been a really fun project. There has been some work to support visual scripting in AR Foundation but mostly from a mobile perspective. The good news is that most of those API’s are the exact same on mobile as on VisionOS.
So there are some visual scripting nodes and logic is supported for accessing ARKit data (through AR Foundation). The challenge will probably be understanding how and where ARKit on iOS differs from ARKit on VisionOS (it’s a very small subset of the features supported on iOS). Then creating custom logic to fill those gaps or access the data differently. Lastly input will likely be a challenge as there are some unique constraints to how VisionOS handles input.
I made a cauldron controller in 2020 (here). Originally, the controller was meant to do two things — read multiple ingredients (RFID tags) and use stirring motion (KY-040) as an input. The multi-RFID reader board wasn’t that reliable at the time. Depends on how the RFID tags was stacked, not all tags were read properly. However, stirring both clock and counter-clock wise was working and felt very satisfying. I have wanted to build an example of a simple ID system, I decided to come back to the cauldron and try a different approach to id the ingredients.
The old cauldron was made of KY-040 and Adafruit Feather. I decided to build the ID input module and cauldron with M5Stack this time because a stack of Limit Switch units (SKU: U145) is perfect for creating a simple ID system. I made the ID input module in the form of an alchemy cabinet. The player can insert the ingredient data card from the top of the cabinet and press down to send in ID. Switch-based ID system is a simple but effective method used in many interactive toys. Every switch has an on and off state. I used 5 switches to create 2 to the power of five -1 IDs for this play experience. -1 is because 00000 won’t work in my setup. I am only using 5 ingredient data cards at the moment.
Working with the M5Stack unit – Limit Switches: I wanted to create an ID system using 5 limit switch units. However, I found out only 4 of the 6 ports on pHub unit can be used as digital inputs. The rest two are analog only. This is not a road blocker, it only makes reading switches a little more complicated. https://shop.m5stack.com/products/limit-switch-unit
Working with KY-040: I started out with the basic example code that can be easily found on the internet. There were little unwanted jumps on directions here and there, but it was acceptable. However, when I started to add more code to the sketch, the amount of jumps increased drastically. At first, I had suspected it might have something to do with debouncing. The amount of jumps remains the same after trying both software and hardware debouncing. I then found out the code I added to the sketch, especially in the loop(), slows down each loop cycle by about 6 ms compared to close to 0 ms with just the KY-040 example code. I eventually found a workaround using interrupts which in a nutshell is like threading for Arduino. It works perfectly without any jumps on directions when stirring the cauldron. https://github.com/ownprox/Rotary_Encoder_KY-040_Fixed/
What goes into a witch’s cauldron? Poison’d entrails, toad, fillet of a fenny snake, eye of newt, toe of frog, wool of bat, tongue of dog, adder’s fork, blind-worm’s sting, lizard’s leg, howlet’s wing, scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, maw and gulf of the ravin’d salt-sea shark, root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark, liver of blaspheming Jew, gall of goat, and slips of yew, nose of Turk, and Tartar’s lips, finger of birth-strangled babe ditch-deliver’d by a drab.
Macbeth, Act IV, Scene I (William Shakespeare 1564 – 1616) This poem is in the public domain.
The three witches, casting a spell [First Witch] Round about the cauldron go; In the poison’d entrails throw. Toad, that under cold stone Days and nights hast thirty one Swelter’d venom sleeping got, Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot. [All] Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. [Second Witch] Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting, Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. [All] Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. [Third Witch] Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark, Root of hemlock digg’d i’ the dark, Liver of blaspheming Jew, Gall of goat, and slips of yew Sliver’d in the moon’s eclipse, Nose of Turk, and Tartar’s lips, Finger of birth-strangled babe Ditch-deliver’d by a drab, Make the gruel thick and slab: Add thereto a tiger’s chaudron, For the ingredients of our cauldron. [All] Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. [Second Witch] Cool it with a baboon’s blood. Then the charm is firm and good.
I had experimented with MR on Pico 4 but the resolution, image stitching, and controller tracking were not ideal. Since my code-free tool kit doesn’t support Meta 3 MR yet, I am going back to native OVR development for this experiment.
Even me can tell it was out of tune. The first prototype was based on a scale found on the internet. I decided to made one myself. I found out there are tuning apps available on my android phone. After testing a few free ones, I eventually found Tuner – Pitched!, it was free and didn’t have the complicated free trail model. I tasted it with a piano first, the app worked very well. My scale turned out to be very different than the one I used in the first prototype, and it sounds so much better! Maybe the scale I found on the internet was made for a different Otamatone model?
Okay, now I got the basic down, kinda, I am going to challenge myself with Le Festin from Pixar’s “Ratatouille”. The Cola Original Taste cover was super inspiring and made an impression of the song on me. Here is 10 hours of it.
“Since TMRCies were known for their creativity and ingenuity Digital was kind enough to donate to TMRC the first PDP 11 to appear at MIT; this made the Club the first MIT student group to ever have a computer! Soon TMRCies combined the operation of WECo’s donations and Digital’s PDP 11 to create cab assignment and switching though the computer. The computer also allowed the implementation of ‘phone operation’ – that is, switches could be thrown via the telephone system within the club room! (This phone system, to be named MaRoto, was also a TMRC customized item.)”
“Here’s what I found: the building was hastily-constructed of plywood. It leaked. It had bad acoustics and was poorly lit, inadequately ventilated, very confusing to navigate (even for people who had been working there for years) and was scorching in the summer and freezing in the winter.”
Occupants of Building 20 in 1963 (from Staff Telephone Directory, compiled by MIT Institute Archives) Army, Military Science Campus Patrol (20C-128) Data Processing (20C-220) Ice Research Lab (20E-206) Industrial Hygiene Lab (20B-245) Lab for Nuclear Science, linear accelerator (20D-014) MIT Press (20B-120) Model Railroad Club TMRC (20E-214) Occupational Medical Services (20B-238) Physics Labs Research Corporation (20B-111) Research Lab of Electronics
PDP-1 attached to a model railroad after its retirement to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1968.
“The PDP-1 that originally went to Bolt, Beranek & Newman to be used in a more formal environment than at MIT was eventually retired to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1968 during my own tenure there and was connected to a model railroad. It still had SpaceWar! as the primary program. (J.A.N. Lee, ibidem, p. 272)”